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Featured Author - Argyro Graphy


A fellow Canadian, Argyro Graphy is the author of the beautiful Bentley Hippo series which “focuses on engraving the worth of positive values on the tender hearts of children.”  Faced with a visual impairment herself, Argyro “encourages children to embrace their differences, celebrate their abilities, and not focus on their disabilities.”  Her  books are available in several different languages so children can enjoy them the world over.  Check out the Bentley the Hippo site and find out more about the great things that Argyro is doing in her quest to help spread kindness around the globe.

My Thoughts...

It Pays to Be Patient

We have all had moments in our life when we just couldn’t sit still or had a difficult time waiting patiently for something to happen.  As a teacher, I know that this can be especially challenging for children with ADHD.  I like the little ‘twist’ in the story when Jaxon is impatient about taking a rocket to the moon and finds out the ‘ride’ is not exactly what he expected it to be.  In addition to teaching about patience, the book also teaches children to appreciate things even if they aren’t exactly what they expected.  An enjoyable read!

Inspiring children with different ability


Beautiful story.  I loved the ‘real’ letters from children around the world to little Julia.  Children with any kind of ‘different ability’ need these kinds of stories to inspire and encourage them. 


Don’t be a bully

Bentley and his friends teach children about peer pressure and bullying.  It can sometimes be difficult to do the right thing when pressured by others to do what you know in your heart is wrong.  It takes someone strong to stand up and do the right thing.  Another great Bentley story for young children full of  beautiful illustrations.

ABC What Can I Be?


A great way to learn the alphabet while also thinking about what you might want to be when you grow up.  I love that the illustrations were coloured by two very special children with ‘different ability’.  A fun read for young readers.

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